Automated marketing & order fulfillment for WooCommerce stores. WooCommerce Zapier Nulled integration with thousands of popular apps, no code.
Seamless integration with over 7,000 cloud apps and services via the Zapier Nulled web automation service.
With this integration, you can automate tasks, synchronise data efficiently, and connect with the tools essential to your business.
Supports more than 70 triggers across 10 resources
You can send your WooCommerce data (Order, Order Note, Product, Customer, Coupon, Booking, Membership Plan, User Membership, Subscription, and Subscription Note) via triggers to 7000+ Zapier-enabled apps.
Version 2.12.0
Released on 2024-11-29
Compatibility with PHP 8.4. PR #806
Remove Legacy Feeds functionality. PR #797
Marked as compatible with WordPress v6.7. PR #764
Marked as compatible with WooCommerce v9.5. PR #806
The plugin name is now Zapier Integration for WooCommerce. PR #806
Minimum required PHP version is now 7.4. #806
Minimum required WordPress version is now 6.4. PR #806
Minimum required WooCommerce version is now 8.3. PR #806
Minimum required WooCommerce Memberships version is now 1.26.0. PR #806
Minimum required WooCommerce Subscriptions version is now 6.0.0. PR #806
Updated league/container dependency to 4.2.4. PR #806
Version 2.11.1
Released on 2024-08-12
Legacy Feed migration deadline has been extended to 14 October 2024. All Zaps using the WooCommerce (legacy) app must be migrated to the WooCommerce app by 14 October 2024. See for details. PR #773
Marked as compatible with WooCommerce v9.2. PR #772
updated league/container dependency to 4.2.2. PR #774
Version 2.11.0
Released on 2024-07-24
OM4 Software is now Tectalic. See for details. PR #746
Standardise log levels and messages. PR #743
Marked as compatible with WordPress v6.6. PR #764
Marked as compatible with WooCommerce v9.1. PR #756, PR #758, PR #762
Marked as compatible with WooCommerce Subscriptions v6.5. PR #764