BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro Nulled is a versatile plugin designed for BuddyPress-based sites, aimed at enriching the social connectivity among users. It offers an automated system to add users as friends, followers, or people they are following as soon as they register on the site. This facilitates a more welcoming and engaging community atmosphere from the onset.
The plugin enables the site admin to create various lists of users, which can be global, including all new members, or conditional, based on profile data, role, or member type. New members are then connected with users from these lists according to the specified criteria. It also includes a Connection Creator tool for manual connections between users and offers bulk synchronization for existing members.
Key features include the ability to create and manage multiple user lists for different types of connections, support for automation of connections based on group activities, and the provision of detailed control over the conditions that dictate these connections. This system of auto friendship and follow can significantly enhance user interaction on BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro Free Download sites, making it a valuable tool for site administrators looking to foster a vibrant and interconnected user community
- Version: 1.2.5Friday, 30 August, 2024
- Tested With: BuddyPress 14.0Compatible With: BuddyPress 8.0
- Version: 1.2.3 Tuesday, 28 May, 2024
- Tested With: BuddyPress 12.5Compatible With: BuddyPress 8.0
- Version: 1.2.2 Friday, 29 March, 2024
- Tested With: BuddyPress 12.4.0Compatible With: BuddyPress 8.0+
Added new plugin action link to easily navigate to auto friendship lists screen
Added support for BuddyBoss member type field
Admin notices on relevant screen if necessary component disabled