(v1.2.1) WooCommerce Reward Points Nulled

Increase sales from loyal customers by introducing a simple WooCommerce Reward Points Nulled loyalty program in WooCommerce. Customers can earn points for multiple action like purchases or registration. When they got enough points they can redeem awards for their collected points. Rewards in exchange for loyalty is Neuromarketing proven way to boost your shop. So what you think about? Start creating your own loyal program in Woo with ease now.

Why do you need this?

  1. Increase sales by increasing customer loyalty
  2. Increase your SEO power when customers share your website to gain points
  3. Learn more about your users like who is the most loyal
- NEW: Recommendation points do no longer rely on any order status
- NEW: WGM WC Gift Card support
- FIX: Shortcodes not working when user roles excluded
- FIX: Updated vendor classes
- FIX: Expired points get marked as expired
- FIX: HPOS issue with getting orders
- FIX: Point redemption & free products issue when multiple products in cart
- FIX: Point expiry issue by sorting
- NEW: New registered users are inited automatically
- NEW: Using cookie instead of SESSION for Point Recommendation
- FIX: Recommendation by user point always not granted
- FIX: Added check if user email is empty
- FIX: WPML key myPointsIntro missing
- FIX: PHP Notice
- FIX: PHP 8.3 support
- FIX: PHP Error


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