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- Create Date September 2, 2023
- Last Updated May 11, 2024
Vuero v3.0.0
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.0.0 - May 10, 2024 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - use css colors 5 features, remove generated hsl css variables via scss - auth: create useUserToken to use localstorage when client only and cookie with SSR - server: simplify ssr and ssg with vite runtime api, remove optional vite plugins - replace view-wapper pinia store with vuero-context plugin and composable - darkmode: replace pinia store with plugin and composable + use native view transition - darkmode: replace pinia store with plugin and composable + use native view transition - layouts: remove navbar-dropdown layout, now included in navbar - layouts: rework navbar layout to allow customization - layouts: rework navsearch layout to allow customization - layouts: rework sideblock layout to allow customization - layouts: rework sidebar layout to allow customization - Features - add Client quickstarter - add Dockerfile and docker compose for each quickstarters - add Electron quickstarter - add landing layout - add Nuxt quickstarter - add src/composables, src/stores, and src/utils to auto import directories - add SSR quickstarter - add VDarkmodeSwitch component - add VLink component to handle external links - base: add end props to vdropdown - configuration for max content size on layouts - create useTinySlider composable - demo: add background grid effect - demo: add hello world server api route - demo: use focus trap and teleport in panels - enable new vue devtools - replace deprecated purge-icon with iconify-icon webcomponent - replace simplebar with native css scrollbars - ssr: render app as stream + add cache header plugin example - update unplugin router data loader - use css colors 5 features, remove generated hsl css variables via scss - use fontsource variables font - use VLink in layout components - VPageContentWrapper: add size property - Bug Fixes - a11y: bind enter instead of space key for default actions - add overlay when mobile nav is open - apexcharts: line colors in darkmode - avatar stack darkmode - demo: markdown to vue ssr prerender + hmr - demo: update date picker range notation - demo: use freepik image in product widget - demo: use VCheckbox in inbox message list - demo: use VTabs component in pages and panels - plugins: eager load plugins to prevent hmr issues - purge-comment: avoid removing vue core comments - quickstarter: add missing illustration - quickstarter: add missing webp files - remove unnecessary import + lazy load billboard and tiny slider only on client - remove unused scss - remove unused useSidebar store - remove usage of shamefully hoist - replace demo photo with remote images - ssr: hydration issues with teleport, darkmode, and id - use VIcon component to use any icon provider - VAnimatedCheckbox: compare raw objects - VCollapseLinks: display content on mounted if contains active link - Refactors - auth: create useUserToken to use localstorage when client only and cookie with SSR - darkmode: replace pinia store with plugin and composable + use native view transition - darkmode: replace pinia store with plugin and composable + use native view transition - layouts!: remove `src/layouts` from components auto load dirs - layouts: remove navbar-dropdown layout, now included in navbar - layouts: rework auth layout, embed styles - layouts: rework minimal layout, embed styles - layouts: rework navbar layout to allow customization - layouts: rework navsearch layout to allow customization - layouts: rework sidebar layout to allow customization - layouts: rework sideblock layout to allow customization - move project to mono repo - replace view-wapper pinia store with vuero-context plugin and composable - server: simplify ssr and ssg with vite runtime api, remove optional vite plugins