- Version
- Download 2000
- File Size 0.00 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date July 20, 2023
- Last Updated May 17, 2024
Velzon v4.1.0
Velzon Changelog
v4.1.0 (26 Jan, 2024)
HTML React 18 React TS React Laravel Inertia Angular 17 Vue 3 Laravel + VueJs Laravel 11 Django ASP.Net Core 8 CodeIgniter 4 Symfony PHP Ajax Nodejs Cake PHP Flask AIOHTTP Svelte ASP.Net MVC Yii 2 Bottle
- Fixed RTL Issue (Apexcharts)
- Minor issue fixed
v4.0.0 (30 Dec, 2023)
HTML React 18 React TS React Laravel Inertia Angular 17 Vue 3 Laravel + VueJs Laravel 10 Django ASP.Net Core 8 CodeIgniter 4 Symfony PHP Ajax Nodejs Cake PHP Flask AIOHTTP Svelte ASP.Net MVC Yii 2 Bottle
Only in Master Demos
- Added Classic & Vintage Themes
- Updated single click to handle themes
- Added user avatar position
- Added multi colors option
- Upgraded packages
React 18 React TS
- Upgraded Node version to 20
- Upgraded Redux version to 5.0.0
- Upgraded react-table to @tanstack/react-table version to 8.11.0
- Removed unnecessary packages
React Laravel Inertia
- Upgraded Node version to 20
- Upgraded laravel-vite-react version to 1.0.0
- Upgraded Typescript version to 5.3.3
- Upgraded Vite version to 5.0.10
- Upgraded Redux version to 5.0.1
- Upgraded react-table to @tanstack/react-table version to 8.11.0
- Removed unnecessary packages
Angular 17
- Upgraded Angular version to 17
- Added ngrx functionality
Vue 3 Laravel + VueJs
- Upgraded bootstrap-vue-next version to 0.15.5
- Upgraded Python version to 3.12.0
- Upgraded Django version to 5.0.0
- Upgraded Django Allauth version to 0.58.2
- Upgraded Symfony version to 7.0
- Upgraded PHP version to 8.2.0
- Upgraded NodeJS version to 18.18.0
- Added Webpack Support
- Upgraded Python version to 3.12.0
- Upgraded Flask version to 3.0.0
- Upgraded Python version to 3.12.0
- Upgraded AIOHTTP version to 3.9.1
- Fixed i18n plugin issue
- Upgraded Python version to 3.12.0
- Upgraded Bottle version to 0.12.25
v3.5.0 (09 Nov, 2023)
HTML React 18 React TS Angular 16 Vue 3 Laravel + VueJs Laravel 10 Django ASP.Net Core 7 CodeIgniter 4 Symfony PHP Ajax Nodejs Cake PHP Flask AIOHTTP Svelte ASP.Net MVC Yii 2 Bottle
- Upgraded Bootstrap version to v5.3.2
- Upgraded packages
- Added a month grid view to the calendar page
- Fixed minor issues
React 18 React TS
- Added yet-another-react-lightbox package for Lightbox
- Upgraded packages
- Removed unnecessary packages
- Upgraded Django version to 4.2.6
- Added Webpack support
- Upgraded Flask version to 3.0.0
- Fixed Webpack issues
v3.3.0 (03 Oct, 2023)
React TS
- Initial release
Angular 16
- Upgraded Angular version to 16
- Upgraded all packages
- Fixed minor issues
- Added Bootstrap-vue-next
- Upgraded simplebar-vue
- Removed Unnecessary packages
- Upgraded packages
- Fixed minor issues
- Upgraded Django version to 4.2.5
- Added Django All Auth Authentication
- Removed Social Django Authentication
- Upgraded Crispy form package to Bootstrap 5
- Fixed minor issues
Yii 2
- Upgraded Bootstrap version to 5.3.0
- Added & Update Components
- Fixed the calendar issue
- JavaScript functionality error resolved
- Fixed minor issues
- Upgraded Symfony version to 6.3
- Added Symfony Webpack Encore Support
- Fixed minor issues
v3.2.0 (11 Sept, 2023)
Angular 15
Updated Package:
- Updated layout setting
- Fixed issue in form picker
Laravel 10
- Updated Vite configuration for Node Modules
- Fixed minor issues
Updated Package:
- Upgraded Bootstrap version to 5.3.0
- Updated to Svelte 4.0.5 version
- Fixed the full calendar issue
- Fixed minor issues and updated packages
v3.1.0 (21 July, 2023)
React 18 Vue 3 Cake PHP
Updated Package:
- Upgraded Bootstrap version to 5.3.0
- Updated packages
- Removed Unnecessary packages
Added & Updated Pages
- Added Apexchart range area chart
- Added Apexchart Funnel chart
- Added & Update Components
- Updated Light & Dark Mode (Bootstrap Support v5.3.0)
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bybg-*-subtle
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byobject-fit-cover
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byflex-grow-1
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byborder-0
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bybg-*-subtle text-*
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byborder border-* text-*
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bytext-white text-opacity-75
- JavaScript functionality error resolved
- Fixed Minor issues
React 18
Updated Package:
- Upgraded React Redux version to 8.1.1.
HTML React 18 Angular 15 Vue 3 Laravel 10 Django ASP.Net Core 7 CodeIgniter 4 Symfony PHP Ajax Nodejs Cake PHP Flask ASP.Net MVC
Minor fixes in the below pages:
- Menu hover issue fix ( _vertical.scss)
v3.0.0 (13 July, 2023)
HTML Angular 15 Laravel 10 Django ASP.Net Core 7 CodeIgniter 4 Symfony PHP Ajax Nodejs Flask ASP.Net MVC
Updated Package:
- bootstrap: 5.3.0
- @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic: ^38.0.1
- @tarekraafat/autocomplete.js: ^10.2.7
- apexcharts: 3.41.0
- chart.js: 4.3.0
- choices.js: ^10.2.0
- echarts: ^5.4.2
- filepond: ^4.30.4
- filepond-plugin-file-validate-size: ^2.2.8
- filepond-plugin-image-preview: ^4.6.11
- flatpickr: ^4.6.13
- fullcalendar: ^6.1.8
- gridjs: ^6.0.6
- nouislider: ^15.7.0
- prismjs: ^1.29.0
- shepherd.js: ^11.1.1
- simplebar: ^6.2.5
- sweetalert2: ^11.7.12
- swiper: ^9.3.2
- toastify-js: ^1.12.0
Added & Updated Pages
- Added Apexchart range area chart
- Added Apexchart Funnel chart
- Added & Update Components
- Updated Light & Dark Mode (Bootstrap Support v5.3.0)
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bybg-*-subtle
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byobject-fit-cover
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byflex-grow-1
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byborder-0
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bybg-*-subtle text-*
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byborder border-* text-*
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bytext-white text-opacity-75
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bytext-white text-opacity-75
- JavaScript functionality error resolved
- Fixed Minor issues
Angular 15
- Removed Animation page
- Updated Django version to 4.2.2
- Updated Python version to 3.11.4
- Updated Flask version to 2.3.2
- Updated Werkzeug version to 2.3.6
- Updated Python version to 3.11.4
- Added Gulp & Sass support
- Added MongoDB Authentication