Smart Manager For WooCommerce v8.47.0

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  • Version
  • Download 171
  • File Size 1.54 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date October 14, 2023
  • Last Updated September 14, 2024

Smart Manager For WooCommerce v8.47.0


= 8.46.1 (26.08.2024) =
* Fix: WordPress database error message when updating WooCommerce Products using inline edit functionality in WooCommerce v9.2.0+
* Update: POT file
= 8.45.0 (08.08.2024) =
* Fix: Height for longtext data in the grid cells not respecting the 'Grid row height' global setting
* Fix: 'Order Subtotal' column not showing the correct value on WooCommerce Orders dashboard
* Fix: 'Order Subtotal' column not showing the correct value on WooCommerce Subscriptions dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Date picker for the 'Schedule Later' option allowing selection of past dates (Pro)
* Update: POT file
= 8.44.0 (02.08.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 9.1.4 compatible
* Fix: 'copy from field' operator not working when the field data type is numeric in the Bulk Edit functionality (Pro)
* Update: Persist search conditions when switching from post type/taxonomy dashboard to task dashboard (Pro)
* Update: POT file
= 8.43.0 (26.07.2024) =
* New: WordPress 6.6.1 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 9.1.2 compatible
* New: Manage 'Shipping Method Title' column on WooCommerce Orders dashboard
* New: Manage 'Shipping Method Title' column on WooCommerce Subscriptions dashboard (Pro)
* New: Manage 'Note For Customer' column on WooCommerce Orders dashboard (Pro)
* Update: Show warning modal for unsaved changes in inline edit functionality
* Update: POT file
= 8.42.0 (09.07.2024) =
* New: WordPress 6.5.5 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 9.0.2 compatible
* Fix: Simple search functionality not working for 'Shipping Method' column in both HPOS and non-HPOS stores on WooCommerce Orders dashboard
* Fix: Simple search functionality not working for 'Shipping Method' column in both HPOS and non-HPOS stores on WooCommerce Subscriptions dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Field values not loading when switching to 'copy from' operator in Bulk Edit panel for non-HPOS stores on WooCommerce Orders and Subscriptions dashboards (Pro)
* Update: POT file
= 8.41.0 (21.06.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 9.0.1 compatible
* New: Provision to edit 'Shipping Method' column on WooCommerce Orders dashboard
* New: Provision to edit 'Shipping Method' column on WooCommerce Subscriptions dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Inline edit functionality not working for 'Order Shipping/Shipping Total Amount' and 'Shipping Method' columns on WooCommerce Orders dashboard in both HPOS and non-HPOS stores
* Fix: Bulk Edit functionality not working for 'Order Shipping/Shipping Total Amount' and 'Shipping Method' columns on WooCommerce Orders dashboard in both HPOS and non-HPOS stores (Pro)
* Fix: Inline edit and Bulk Edit functionalities not working for 'Order Shipping/Shipping Total Amount' and 'Shipping Method' columns on WooCommerce Subscriptions dashboard in both HPOS and non-HPOS stores (Pro)
* Fix: Advanced search functionality not working for 'Shipping Method' column on WooCommerce Orders and Subscriptions dashboards in both HPOS and non-HPOS stores (Pro)
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file
= 8.39.0 (01.06.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.9.1 compatible
* Fix: PHP warnings occur and no content is displayed on the 'Go Pro' page if WooCommerce is not activated
* Fix: Array to string conversion PHP notice when loading WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Settings button not redirecting properly on 'Docs & Support' page (Pro)
* Update: 'Author' column now displays name and email address on WooCommerce Product Stock Log or any tasks dashboard
* Update: Administrators now have the capability to manage and undo tasks performed by any user directly from the WooCommerce Product Stock Log or tasks dashboard
* Update: POT file
= 8.38.0 (10.05.2024) =
* New: WordPress 6.5.3 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 8.8.3 compatible
* Fix: Product type updated incorrectly, when updating 'Backorders' column on WooCommerce Products dashboard using inline edit functionality
* Fix: PHP warning when loading WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: Record values not updated in some cases when using Bulk Edit functionality in background (Pro)
* Update: POT file
= 8.30.0 (02.02.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.5.2 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.4.3 compatible
* Fix: WooCommerce Products 'Stock Status' column doesn't update automatically with changes in the 'Backorders' column
* Fix: Duplicate values in the 'Product categories', and 'Exclude categories' WooCommerce Coupons restrictions fields when updating using Bulk edit
* Update: POT file
= 8.29.0 (25.01.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.5.1 compatible
* Fix: Sort functionality not working for 'Users' dashboard custom columns like 'Orders Count', 'Orders Total', 'Last Order Total', 'Last Order Date'
* Fix: Show/Hide columns functionality not working in Chrome browser due to permissions policy violation error
* Update: POT file
= 8.28.0 (12.01.2024) =
* Fix: Security vulnerability - SQL Injection vulnerability (Thanks to Ivan Spiridonov)
* Fix: PHP Warning when switching dashboards
* Update: POT file
= 8.27.0 (21.12.2023) =
* Fix: 'Line Items' column not duplicating when using 'Duplicate Records' functionality in WooCommerce Orders dashboard on non-HPOS stores (Pro)
* Fix: 'Duplicate Records' functionality not working in WooCommerce Orders dashboard on HPOS stores (Pro)
* Fix: Modal dialog not getting displayed in some cases
* Update: POT file
= 8.26.0 (14.12.2023) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.4.0 compatible
* Fix: Duplicate functionality not working for some of the fields in WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)
* Update: POT file
= 8.25.1 (11.12.2023) =
* Fix: Advanced Search functionality not working for taxonomy fields after last update
* Update: POT file