Residence Free Download v5.0.6
Version 5.0.4– December 2024 – MAJOR THEME UPDATE
Watch the WpResidence v 5.0.4 Release Video – Added Bootstrap 5 with a new styling overhaul, removing old style.css. Note that custom CSS for the old theme may not apply anymore. The entire theme architecture changed to support Bootstrap 5Bootstrap 5 introduces a cleaner, more modern codebase, making your website faster, leaner, and easier to maintain. It will allow us to continue to develop new features for WPResidence future theme updates, while keeping the theme up to latest standards.
It offers an advanced responsive grid system, ensuring your website looks great on all devices, from desktops to smartphones.
Bootstrap 5 improves loading times and performance, reducing potential conflicts with other libraries.
It supports CSS variables, allowing for easier and more granular design customizations directly from Theme Options.
Bootstrap 5 ensures compatibility with current and future technologies, making your website more robust and scalable.
New: Updated the min grid width to 1200pxNew: Created a new RTL.css, removing the need for the child theme RTL. The old child theme rtl.css will need to be deleted from your old installation, if it existsNew: Bootstrap 5 method to control custom colors, custom border radius, custom grid width, custom box shadow, custom fonts and sizes and all custom design elements from theme options.New: Responsive system based on Bootstrap 5 gridNew: Introduced new style options for existing Elementor widgets.New: Property images can be re-used in multiple properties (we moved images from post attachments to gallery)CHANGED: In admin – Edit property – Media – the “x” button will remove the image from the property and no longer delete it.CHANGED: Changed login and register shortcodes into a single shortcode.CHANGED: Theme Options – Added Category/Taxonomy option in Lists Layout & Sidebar for easier accessibility.CHANGED: Theme Options – Header SectionCHANGED: Theme Options – Footer SectionCHANGED: Theme Options – Moved Map Position into Half Map settings under the Maps section.CHANGED: Theme Options – Relocated Dashboard Design to the parent menu, with Settings and Colors as submenus.CHANGED: Elementor widgets – Renamed Design Type 4 for category grid layout; must be re-selected in the widget after update.CHANGED: Elementor widgets – Modified search form builder spacing for single fields as Boostrap 5 fields are usedCHANGED: Elementor widget – Updated Agent Section with a width control (removed 1/2 column options).CHANGED: Elementor page – Modified margin for Elementor pages (first element) is no longer needed and existing pages created with Elementor will need to be edited and margin for first element must be removed for correct alignmentCHANGED: Text and labels from theme optionsCHANGED: WpResidence Child Theme – functions.php to load the new bootstrapCHANGED: Header type 4 colorsREMOVED: Removed old header Type 3 and re-named the remaining header types to be in consecutive orderREMOVED: Removed Testimonial Slider Bakery widget.REMOVED: Korean translationFix: Updated widgets for Elementor development plugin version which created conflictsFix: Adjusted non-Latin custom links for wordpress 6.7 – so that edit link works from wp-admin with gutenberg editorFix: Multicurrency switcher applies to additional prices in the custom property template.Fix: Agent Page (Template 2) issue where the “Send Email” button didn’t navigate to the contact form.Fix: display of active menu on property pagesFix: Corrected grid view for similar listings when cards are set to list view.Fix: Show QR for sub-units properties in Print PDFUpdate: User types translations for WPML compatibilityUpdate: wpresidence.pot and wpresidence-core.potUpdate: WpResidence Elementor plugin to version 5.0.4Update: WpResidence Elementor Studio plugin to version 5.0.4Update: WpResidence Core Functionality plugin to version 5.0.4Update: WpEstate CRM plugin to version 5.0.4Updated: Revolution Slider to 6.7.23Update: