QuickAI OpenAI v4.6 ((Extended License)
QuickAI OpenAI Changelog
= Version 4.6 = 21 Nov 2023
* Added - ChatGPT 4 Turbo Model
* Added - Dall-E 3 Image Model
* Added - New image sizes for Dall-E 3
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 4.5 = 03 Nov 2023
* Added - Text Streaming feature for AI Templates (Improve Speed)
* Fixed - Paytabs Payment Gateway
* Fixed - Android app link on footer
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 4.3 = 28 Sep 2023
* Added - Chatbot training with a JSON file
* Added - Text translation feature for text-to-speech (translate the text in selected language before converting to speech)
* Added - Newsletter form on the home page
* Added - Option to disable the payment proof for wire transfer
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 4.2 = 21 Sep 2023
* Added - Google Text to Speech and many more languages
* Added - PWA
* Added - Meta Image
* Added - From email address for email settings
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 4.1.1 = 29 Aug 2023
* Fixed - Dashboard sidebar issue
= Version 4.1 = 28 Aug 2023
* Added - Make custom inputs optional (For custom templates)
* Added - Template settings (Show/hide Language, Quality type, and Tone of Voice fields)
* Added - Hide pages and features if not in the user’s plan
* Added - Better formatting for AI codes and AI templates
* Added - Payment proof feature for offline payment
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 4.0 = 09 Aug 2023
* Added - Templates translation feature
* Added - Chatbots translation feature
* Added - GDPR user account delete feature
* Added - Private plans (admin can assign inactive plans to the users)
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 3.9.1 = 20 Jul 2023
* Fixed - Issues with Coinbase, Mecadopago and Paddle
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 3.9 = 13 Jul 2023
* Added - Coinbase Crypto Payment Gateway
* Added - Paddle Payment Gateway
* Added - Mercadopago Payment Gateway
* Added - Option to change position of payment gateways
* Added - Option to disable FAQs
* Added - Language selector for Speech-to-text
* Improved - Update Sitemap
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 3.8.1 = 28 June 2023
* Added - Update StableDiffusion Model
* Improved - Hide prepaid plan section if there are no plans
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 3.8 = 24 June 2023
* Added - Prepaid Plans
* Added - Option to edit available tokens/words for users from admin
* Added - Option to change the position of membership plans
* Added - Latest OpenAI models
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 3.7.1 = 15 June 2023
* Added - Compatible with the QuickAI Flutter APP
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 3.7 = 06 June 2023
* Improved - Landing page, modern landing page with animations
* Improved - CSS of many pages
* Improved - Mobile View
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 3.6 = 31 May 2023
* Added - Categories for AI chatbots
* Added - Category filter on the AI Chat page
* Added - Search option for AI chatbots
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 3.5 = 19 May 2023
* Added - Option to limit Chat Bots with Membership plans
* Added - Option to select a separate AI model for the AI Chat
* Improved - Hide footer if the landing page is disabled
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 3.4 = 13 May 2023
* Added - Option to disable the registration process
* Added - Full-screen mode on frontend
* Improved - Paytabs payment gateway for global use
* Fixed - A few issues