Point of Sale System for WooCommerce (POS Plugin) v5.2.0
Point of Sale System for WooCommerce (POS Plugin) Changelog
"Initial release v 1.0.0" "Current release v 5.2.1"
Fixed: Report date selection issue.
Fixed: Recommended plugins notices image size.
Fixed: Barcode creation issue with any variation.
"Initial release v 1.0.0" "Current release v 5.1.0"
v 5.1.0
Fixed: Coupon discount issues with inclusive/exclusive tax.
Fixed: Offline mode receipt print issue.
Fixed: Virtual product order issues with HPOS orders.
Fixed: POS cart UI issue and redesigned the home panel.
Fixed: Auto-sync offline orders while the device becomes online.
Fixed: Reports translation issue at admin and POS end.
Enhancement: Customers info UI and added back button on customer edit/add page at POS end.
Enhancement: Modified the loader and replaced it with pure react js loader and redux management.
Enhancement: Improved customer syncing and default customer management.
Enhancement: Improved categories listing popup UI and added up to 5 level categories listing.
Enhancement: Improved the UI of the discount popup.
Enhancement: Fixed the product's grid-gap and managed dynamically according to the device width.
Added: Admin can set POS colors from appearance settings and added some suggested color schemes.
Added: Cart item count on cart actions delete button.
Added: Apply the coupon by pressing the Enter button.
Added: left alignment to the reports table for better data representation.
Added: Password view/hide button inside account settings password change fields.
Added: No results screen on all pages like customers, orders, home screen, and sales screen.
Added: New category style on Home screen and admin can change from New style to old style from appearance settings.
Added: Orders listing with pagination and improved orders listing UI at POS end.
Added: Customers listing with pagination and improved customers listing UI at POS end.
Added: Order status change feature at POS end and admin can enable/disable this feature by settings.
Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS feature.
v 5.0.0
Fixed: Discount apply validation.
Fixed: Show product meta option condition on order summary.
Fixed: Tax disable issue when the tax setup and tax is disabled.
Fixed: Add/Edit payment from admin for marketplace point of sale.
Fixed: Default customer set issue while updating default customer's data.
Fixed: Customer updated data render issue in customer list.
Enhancement: Seperated the POS general settings based on the settings category.
Enhancement: Improved coding standard of API and functionalities.
Enhancement: Seperated the POS master stock from the woocommerce stock.
Enhancement: Improved notices, errors, alerts popup.
Added: Integrated new report section on the POS and admin end.
Added: Pin product feature.
Added: Product out of stock visibility.
Added: Custom order prefix feature.
Added: Listed woocommerce orders on the POS.