Perfmatters v2.3.6
2.3.6 – 11.21.2024
Fixed an issue where Delay JS wasn’t running correctly in some cases.
2.3.5 – 11.21.2024
Added new local Google Font option to Limit Subsets that are downloaded and included in the stylesheet.
Added new local Google font option to change the Print Method with options for file and inline.
Added new Priority option to manual preloads which can be used to add a specific fetchpriority attribute value to individual preload tags.
Added new perfmatters_lazy_element_selectors filter.
Removed unnecessary trailing link tag from delayed stylesheets when using Remove Unused CSS.
Removed crossorigin option for manual preloads. The attribute is now automatically added to fetch and font preload tags.
Increased action button response message timeout to 10 seconds in plugin UI.
Fixed a PHP warning coming from Disable Google Maps function if a post ID was not found on a single post URL.
Fixed an issue with WordPress 6.7.1 where the text domain for translations was loading too early.
Removed deprecated plugin option to load Google fonts asynchronously.
Translation updates.
2.3.4 – 10.10.2024
Added new perfmatters_lazy_elements filter.
Added new perfmatters_is_woocommerce filter.
Added additional built-in stylesheet and selector exclusions for better compatibility with Elementor animations.
Added WP Rocket filter to disable lazy render when lazy elements feature is active to prevent conflicts.
Added additional parameter to excluded page builders array for tagDiv Composer.
Added built-in delay JS exclusion for lazy elements inline script.
Moved plugin settings logo SVG back to inline to prevent file_get_contents errors in certain environments.
Adjusted built-in CSS dynamic selector exclusions to fix some minor visual issues with a few page builders.
Fixed a JavaScript error that would sometimes show up in the console when using Delay JS with click delay enabled.
Fixed an issue where a used stylesheet path would still attempt to load even if no used styles had been picked up for the URL.
Fixed an issue where browser-specific stylesheets inside HTML comments were getting parsed by our used CSS library.
Fixed a MU Mode issue where exceptions would not be applied correctly if a query string was present on the home URL if set to show the latest posts.
Fixed an issue where preloading a JS file by the handle was not loading the minified version when necessary.