- New: [frm-graph] shortcodes now support a title_italic=1 option.
- New: The setting for displaying a look up or dynamic field as a dropdown has been renamed to improve compatibility with security tools that block the word "select" in POST data.
- New: Formidable branding has been removed on the import page when white labelling is enabled.
- New: "like" and "not like" conditions used in conditional logic have been renamed to "contains" and "does not contain".
- Fix: Edited entries would perform look ups and change the value of some fields watching the look ups when there were already values set.
- Fix: A conditionally disabled submit button would switch to enabled after a look up was completed, or a file was uploaded. Now it will only switch to enabled when all conditions are fulfilled.
- Fix: Dynamic defaults values like [post_title] and [get] shortcodes were not always getting set back to their default values after clicking the start over button.
- Fix: A fatal error would occur when using a [frm-graph] shortcode when using group_by and include_zero options together.
- Fix: A styling issue has been fixed for rootline elements on RTL layouts.
- Fix: [if created_at] conditional statements with conditions like greater_than="-10 minutes" would not work using the expected timezone. This has been updated to work with condition values like "-10 minutes" and "-30 seconds".
- Fix: A third parameter is now included when calling the frm_after_create_entry action for a draft entry. Without this parameter, there were issues with possible conflicts with other code that relies on this hook, including code in older versions of the Zoho Flow plugin.
- Fix: New repeater entries were not getting added when updating an entry because of an issue introduced in last release.
- Fix: "like" conditions were failing to work when comparing a numeric value to an unexpected non-numeric string like "_123".
- Fix: A passing null to parameter #3 deprecated message when calling str_replace has been fixed when processing shortcodes.
- Fix: Some warnings would get logged when deactivating Pro.
- Fix: A passing null to parameter #1 deprecated message when calling stripos has been fixed when processing shortcodes.
- Fix: When importing CSV data for a multiselect dynamic dropdown, only a single entry record would get imported successfully.
- Fix: Only a single multiselect lookup option would be selected when editing an entry after the lookup happens on page load.
- Fix: Calculations with repeaters would sometimes include values from incorrect fields with similar field keys.
- Fix: Clicking on a single file upload field with an uploaded file will no longer load the prompt to upload another file.
- Version
- Download 800
- File Size 1.58 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date October 6, 2023
- Last Updated August 23, 2024
Formidable Forms Pro v6.13 + All Addons + Templates
= 6.13 =
* Fix: A JavaScript error triggered after detecting an error with a form field before processing the payment would cause the form to stop responding.
* Fix: A Call to undefined method FrmProAppHelper::use_chosen_js fatal error would happen when using versions of Formidable Pro older than version 6.8.
= 6.12 =
* New: Many default form style settings have been updated. Existing sites will continue to use their existing default settings. To experience the new default style settings, access the list of styles from the style tab in form settings and select Reset to Defaults from the dropdown menu for a target style.
* New: Hidden screen reader labels have been added to the entries list admin pages bulk checkboxes to improve accessibility.
* Fix: Turnstile captcha widgets were rendering twice.
* Fix: An extra check has been added to improve compatibility with older versions of WordPress before version 6.5.
* Fix: The submit button would appear as an entry table row on the entry view admin page.
* Fix: When validating field length limits, some characters including types with accents were not getting counted as expected and could fail validation.
* Checks have been added to no longer include fields with form state on servers where open SSL is not installed. This is to improve compatibility.
* Some updates have been made to improve the syncing of field option updates and conditional logic settings.
* The option to use HTML5 has been removed. HTML5 is now enforced for all sites.
* Some old deprecated PHP functions have been removed including FrmAppController::include_embed_form_icons and FrmAppController::get_form_shortcode.
* The deprecated JavaScript function frmFrontForm.savingDraft has been removed.
= 6.11.2 =
* Security: Additional checks have been added to prevent unsafe HTML when using [input] shortcodes. A new frm_input_key_is_safe filter has been added to allow or disallow additional options when required.
* New: Some small accessibility improvements were made on the Import/Export admin page.
* Fix: A width limit has been removed from admin page h1 tags to help avoid issues with translated page titles that overflow their expected space.
* Fix: The prompt to name your form will no longer pop up on save if the form already has a name set.
* Fix: Additional checks have been added to prevent warnings while onboarding when using a Plus license.
* Fix: Save draft buttons would remain disabled after a look up was completed, or after a file was uploaded.
* Fix: Scripts were not loading properly on a few pages, causing issues with editing an Application and with some features in the Legacy Views editor.
* Fix: HTML entities are now decoded when used for phone format validation to prevent issues where & is converted to & for the regex check.
* Fix: Email summaries would include repeater forms in the top 10 list.
* Fix: Some entries lists would appear empty in some cases where item meta is stored using 0 as a field ID value.
* Fix: The wrong variable was sent to the frm_trigger_create_action filter, preventing access to some expected data.
* Fix: Several incorrect text domains and untranslatable strings have been corrected.
* The function FrmFieldType::get_select_atributes has been deprecated because of a typo in its name.
* Several old deprecated view files have been removed.
= 6.11.1 =
* New: Screen reader text has been updated on some admin pages to improve accessibility.
* New: Hover styling has been updated for modal close icons to improve user experience.
* Fix: The way Popper scripts are registered have been updated to help avoid a new conflict introduced in a recent WP Bakery update.
* Fix: The reCaptcha settings name was missing in a global settings string.
* The minimum supported version of Formidable Pro has been bumped to version 6.0.
* The function FrmAddonsController::is_license_expiring has been deprecated.
= 6.11 =
* New: Field errors added when validating with JavaScript would use field IDs instead of field keys. This has been updated to use field keys for consistency.
* New: When a layout class option is selected, any previous layout classes that would cause a conflict will now be automatically removed.
* New: An optimization has been added to help reduce form builder load times for forms with many HTML or Rich Text fields.
* New: A styling update has been made to make field placeholder font sizes more consistent.
* New: Stripe actions included in this plugin now support a Recurring Payment Limit setting. When this setting is defined, and the number of payments has been reached, the subscription will be cancelled automatically.
* Fix: References to JavaScript map files have been removed from bootstrap and popper scripts to prevent 404 error messages that appear when using Safari.
* Fix: An Undefined array key PHP Warning would get logged when trying to remove fields using the frm_available_fields or frm_pro_available_fields filters.
* Fix: Form previews would include two conflicting title tags in the source HTML.
* Fix: A small update has been made to properly support sending data for repeated API actions.
* Some old CSS styles have been removed, helping to reduce file size.
* An old TTF file used for icon fonts has been removed as it was only required for supporting Internet Explorer and is no longer required, helping to reduce overall file size.
= 6.10 =
* New: Field data for shortcodes is now stored in memory and reused on the settings page and form builder page for a significant page load speed improvement for forms with a lot of fields.
* New: XML import has been updated to support mapping field ID changes when importing a map view and new calendar view settings.
* Fix: Payments using a currency that uses a comma as the decimal separator would have an incorrect amount value when the amount value had a single decimal point like 11,5.
* Fix: Field error elements would inconsistently use either IDs or field keys in their ID values. An update has been made to use always use field keys.
* Fix: In some cases, a Stripe redirect would happen after failing to create an entry, resulting in an unexpected redirect to stripe.com.
* The minimum supported PHP version has been updated to 7.0, ending official support for PHP 5.6.
* The frm_summary_email_content_args hook has been moved to where it is now filtered for all types of email summaries.
* Several deprecated PHP functions have been removed including FrmFormsHelper::template_install_html, FrmFormsHelper::available_count, FrmFormsHelper::builder_submit_button, FrmFieldsHelper::get_shortcode_tag, FrmFieldsController::include_single_field, and FrmFormsController::new_form.
* Several deprecated front end JavaScript functions have been removed including frmFrontForm.goingToPreviousPage, frmFrontForm.hideOrShowFields, frmFrontForm.hidePreviouslyHiddenFields, frmFrontForm.checkDependentDynamicFields, frmFrontForm.checkDependentLookupFields, and frmFrontForm.loadGoogle.
* Some front end JavaScript code for supporting Internet Explorer has been dropped, helping to reduce the size of JavaScript required on the front end.
= 6.9.1 =
* New: Some data used for field settings is now stored in memory and reused in order to significantly improve performance in the form builder for forms with a lot of fields.
* Fix: Rootline and progress bar elements would not appear when using some position settings with the new submit button field.
* Fix: An invalid argument supplied for foreach() error has been fixed when truncating unexpected values.
* Fix: Submit button fields were appearing by mistake in WooCommerce products.
* The parser for serialized string data has been optimized to be approximately 30% faster than before.
* Some old deprecated code has been removed including the FrmPointers and FrmDbDeprecated classes, FrmAppHelper::sanitize_array, FrmAppHelper::expiring_message, and several methods in FrmEntryValidate.php.
* Old polyfill code for supporting old versions of Internet Explorer have been removed from front end JS, reducing file size.
Formidable Forms Pro v6.8
- Security: Nonce validation was missing when saving changes on the form settings page.
- New: A new dashboard landing page has been added with a list of recent entries, access to your inbox, and a payment summary, all in one place.
- New: New fields will no longer appear on the front end until the form builder is saved. This way a form can be used without partial incomplete changes while a form is being worked on.
- New: An HSL color value can now be used in the visual styler. Previously these values would be prepended by # and PHP warnings would cause styles to break.
- New: Stripe subscriptions will now cancel at period end by default instead of cancelling immediately. This can be reverted to the previous behaviour using add_filter( ‘frm_stripe_cancel_subscription_at_period_end’, ‘__return_false’ );.
- New: Summary emails will no longer send by default on multisite for sites that are not the main site.
- New: Summary emails can now be disabled from your profile on your Formidable Forms account for Pro users.
- Fix: On some sites, while using Google Chrome, some style card menu options would be missing. This includes the option to Delete a style or to Set a style as default.
- Fix: Long forms loaded with AJAX were loading in smaller batches than intended, usually pulling only a few fields at a time. This has been restored to the intended batch size of 15 fields at a time.
- Fix: A styling issue in some search search inputs has been fixed.
- Fix: The view payment page was appearing blank, and table column options were missing when editing a table view.
- Fix: An error message wouldn’t properly appear when using a 3D secure card and failing the payment.
- Fix: A subscription with a failed payment would incorrectly redirect like a confirmed payment.
- Fix: The toggle to disable form styling would still appear active when disabled through the Manage Styling global setting.
- Fix: Encoded characters would appear in plain text summary emails.
- List tag types include ul, ol, and li are now allowed in form input HTML by default.
- Form input HTML will no longer be filtered to strip most HTML on display if the entry was created by or edited by a privileged user.
- Summary emails are no longer sent when there are no new entries.
- Fix: The setting to disable Formidable styling on a form was not working and the Formidable styling would still get applied.
Formidable Forms v6.7.1
- New: Database indexes have been added to entry and entry meta tables to help significantly optimize some database queries, including queries used for reports.
- New: Honeypot field containers will no longer include an aria-hidden attribute. This was causing issues with Accessibility testing tools including Google PageSight.
- New: [frm-entry-links] shortcodes now support a new drafts=all option, and drafts=2 and drafts=3 options for filtering for in-progress and abandoned entries. It also now supports comma separated values like drafts=”2,3″ to include both in-progress and abandoned entries.
- New: Checkbox groups will no longer use an aria-required attribute on the group element. This was causing accessibility errors in axe DevTools and Google PageSpeed.
- New: The more options icon in the form builder now has screen reader text for improved accessibility.
- New: A new test flag colum has been added for payments for more accurate payment tracking.
- Fix: A fix has been added to help avoid warnings and error messages when form data is sent in an unexpected format.
- Fix: Name fields would not properly reset to their default values when using a start over button or when the field was conditionally shown.
- Fix: Using drafts=both with an [frm-entry-links] shortcode would include abandoned and in-progress entries when it is intended to only include draft and submitted entries.
- Fix: The checkbox was in the wrong position on the edit entry admin page for checkbox options displayed as images.
- Fix: The submit button would be disabled and spin after pressing the back button and reloading a form.
- Fix: The Other option text input would be hidden on load when a checkbox field had an Other option as its default value.
- Fix: User journeys would display as Array, Array and trigger Array to string conversion warnings after deactivating the User Flow add on.
- New: A database query has been optimized when checking for entries in a timeframe.
- New: The honeypot class name will no longer change as often to help prevent issues with visible honeypot fields.
- New: The placement of dropdown arrows has been updated for better theme compatibility.
- Fix: Really long strings with no spaces were not being made short enough during truncation. This would result in really large text previews for HTML fields when using base 64 image data.
- Fix: An element is undefined JavaScript error has been fixed.
- Fix: The “Add fields here” placeholder would not always appear after deleting every field.
- Fix: The “Add fields here” placeholder would sometimes overlap the form updated message.
- New: A new “Refunded Payment” action trigger type has been added for Stripe payments.
- New: Additional validation checks have been added when JavaScript validation is enabled that prevent a form from submitting with invalid values like an a number with an invalid step.
- New: The in-theme preview has been updated to look better with block themes.
- New: The way icons are loaded has been modified for improved compatibility with the Snuffleupagus security module.
- Fix: An add entry button would appear for users without the permission to create entries on the admin page.
- Fix: Field controls would appear in the incorrect place for fields with no label.
- Fix: Connecting an account would fail because of a permission check issue.
- Fix: Dropdown arrows would disappear when overriding theme styling was enabled.
- The payments page will now fallback to the PayPal add on when Stripe is not configured. This helps to prevent a wp_frm_subscriptions does not exist database error when viewing payments.
- An extra check has been added to prevent an FrmOverlayController not found error when upgrading.
- Fix: Field validation errors were accidentally getting removed. Instead of validation errors, it would show an incorrect It looks like you’ve already submitted that error message.
- Fix: The honeypot field would cause inline submit buttons to break to the next line.