- Version
- Download 345
- File Size 21.97 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date October 17, 2023
- Last Updated September 30, 2024
Fancy Product Designer v6.4.1 (with Plus v1.3.5 & Pricing Add-On v1.1.2)
Download Fancy Product Designer WooCommerce WordPress Latest
Bug: Downloading print file via download link not working
- Bug: disabled class added when using variable product
- Improvement: Do not add a custom thumbnail to the cart when the lightbox has not been opened
- New: Print-Ready File Via Download Action (Settings > Pro Export)
- Bug: Shadow in product builder for images is not exported to frontend
- Bug: Some Printful image templates are not scaled correctly in designer
- Improvement: React Admin updated with redux toolkit
- Improvement: Replaced FabricJS filters (browser) with Imagick filters (server) for better performance. Now images will be uploaded with the filter applied. Choose between grayscale, black & white, threshold and threshold negative
- New: Enable an industry mode per product to enable specific features and behaviours. Added "Engraving" mode.
- Bug: Text is not synced when empty using textLinkGroup
- Bug: Wrong CSS class for align tool
- Bug: When ruler is enabled, the preview and download action does not work
- Bug. Patterns wrapper is duplicated for text
- Improvement: Check required fields when submitting form in Gravity Form
- Improvement: Close button for zoom wrapper
- Improvement: Ruler size calculation & style
- New: Choose specific design categories you want to use in the Designs module in main settings (General > Modules > Designs section)
- New Ruler Options: Set position of ruler and set ruler to always be visible (General > Actions > Ruler section)
- New: Set add-to-cart button text when coming from cart https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/13000033901
- New: Drop shadow for images added https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/13000033635
- New: Visible action for layers module https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/13000033871
- New: Text direction ltr or rtl(hebrew etc. languages) is set depending on website CSS direction
- Bug: When crop mask is applied, the design on the 3d model is not updated
- Bug: Enable patterns for text even when color is disabled
- Bug: Linking text properties for font size not working with max. and min. fontsize
- New: Icon for views grid added in views nav
- New: Close button for element toolbar on large screen when using sidebar layout
- Bug: getUsecColors returns the wrong amount of colors
- Bug: addEvents not working properly for window
- Bug: Effect filter is not applied to png images
How can I change the size of the panel with the text editor on frontend