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- Create Date July 19, 2023
- Last Updated October 15, 2024
66socialproof v41.0.0 (Regular + Extended Version)
66socialproof Changelog
Update 41.0.0 - 12 October, 2024
Implemented X/Twitter notification handler.
Implemented the ability to send filtered broadcasts/internal notifications based on the user language.
Reworked the page that shows up when a database error is triggered to a more beautiful & simple one.
Reworked the sizing of the images shown when no data is found in different pages.
Reworked all the admin panel statistics pages empty states.
Updated the MaxMind ciy/countries tracking databases to their latest versions.
Updated the chartjs library to the latest version.
Improved the pay page look when numerous payment gateways are available.
Improved the push notifications plugin to support using variables and fixed issue with certain strings.
Improved the structure and look of the account settings page 2FA section.
Cleaned up a few pieces of unused CSS code.
Fixed issues with incorrect dates showing on charts when different timezones are used.
Fixed visual issue with the plugins page from the admin panel.
Fixed domain update page bug with custom not found URLs.
Fixed admin panel ad blocker detector feature not properly working.
Fixed taxes not displaying properly on checkout when using tax values with decimals.
Fixed broadcast issues with trackable links within the email sent in some cases.
Fixed broadcast view page errors that trigger in some specific cases.
Fixed issues yookassa payment gateway.
Fixed pixel installation modal not triggering after a new campaign is created.
Update 39.0.0 - 27 July, 2024
Implemented the new Audio notification type.
Implemented the ability to set a background blur for transparent backgrounds on notification widgets.
Implemented the ability to set a display delay before a notification will show again after it was closed.
Implemented new display trigger for notifications: Page inactivity.
Implemented new display trigger for notifications: Pageviews per session.
Implemented new display trigger for notifications: Time on site.
Implemented new tracked details for conversions on a notification: page title & continent code.
Implemented preview impressions chart in the dashboard.
Implemented loop, muted options for the Video notification type.
Implemented a new colorized system for each notification type to make the whole app look more alive.
PHP 8.1 is now minimum required PHP version.
Improved prompt for AI translations in the admin panel.
Added versioning to all asset links to avoid potential issues on new updates due to cached asset files.
Ads & cookie consent message (if set) will no longer show when using the print option of a browser.
Improved the admin panel - settings - cache page.
Improved the custom domains system caching to require less manual cache removals.
Improved responsiveness on small devices for the notification settings page.
Reworked the cron job stats cleaner to be more performant and use less resources.
Fixed dashboard / campaign page tables not properly showing certain notification triggers.
Fixed statistics retention automatic clearing not properly taking into consideration the user plan.
Fixed blog RSS not working properly in the presence of some characters.
Fixed duplication of resources issue when the name of the duplication is too big.
Fixed footer pages icons not showing up.
Fixed display issues of dropdowns in some data tables.
Fixed admin panel push notifications campaign filters not saving properly - push notifications plugin.
Fixed admin panel push notifications pagination not properly working - push notifications plugin.
Update 34.0.0 - 20 February, 2024
Implemented the ability to enable/disable AI scraping on your website content - from the admin panel.
Implemented new handler for pages that do not show data because of filtering for better UX.
Reworked many file image uploaders to support image preview & look better.
Added the currency parameter to the Thank You page URL after a successful payment.
Improved Offload plugin - region can now be edited in all cases.
Fade in animation for all pages is now reduced from 1s to 500ms for a faster and snappier feel.
Removed complex fade animations for the hero section on the landing page to improve LCP for SEO purposes and UX.
Improved header text and buttons in some app pages not being consistent and responsive properly.
No data, Thank you, Affiliate, 404 svg images now support dynamic colors - based on the theme color.
Improved the affiliate page, now it will show a range of potential commissions (ex: "10% - 50%" instead of "variable commission").
Improved the admin panel theme page to be a bit easier to understand.
Fixed language creation/updating when using certain characters in the name of the language.
Fixed broadcast statistics viewing page issues.
Fixed SSO issue when using it with a logged in team member.
A lot of other behind the scenes things that have been changed and improved.
Update 33.0.0 - 27 January, 2024
Implemented the ability to enable and display latest Blog posts on the homepage footer.
Improved the top menu dropdown when being logged in, showing all internal app links.
Reworked the whole discounts system to be able to choose the Plans for the discount, directly on the discount creation page in the admin panel.
Cookie consent dependancy upgraded and improved to support RTL.
Improved the admin panel language update page - added scroll up / down floating buttons.
Update 32.0.0 - 16 January, 2024
Implemented the new account preference page.
Implemented PHP 8.3 support.
Implemented Webhooks that execute before a Cron run and after a Cron run. Helpful when wanting to monitor Cron executions.
Implemented the ability to enable automatic user plan expiration checking via the cron job, configurable via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to enable automatic "remember me" checkbox checking when logging in, configurable via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to display social media icons on all the emails sent out.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable the PWA installation helper bar.
Implemented ability to add your company legal details to all sent out emails.
Implemented ability to enable/disable the whole breadcrumbs system.
Implemented ability to enable/disable the pagination widget when only one page is available.
Improved the template of all the emails sent out by the system.
SSO links will now display in the admin panel as well.
You will now be able to disable the SSO links from automatically displaying in the menu.
Improve PWA installation bar not showing on mobile iOS for Safari.
Bootstrap popper dependency upgraded to the latest version.
Upgraded cookie consent library to the latest 2.9.2 version.
Improved admin panel - settings - cron page with copy and execute buttons.
Improved the way plan savings for annual memberships are displayed.
Improved the look of the DNS Lookup Tools page.
Fix language change from the footer language selector issues.
Fix admin taxes deletion not working properly.
Fix annual plan savings not showing the proper currency.
Fix currency switcher not working properly when a user is logged out.
Fix small issue with Midtrans payments being classified as other payment gateways.
Fix not being able to change the Plan Trial Done status when editing a user in the admin panel.
Fix issue with payment total tracking on the dashboard of the admin panel.
Fix campaigns page limits not properly beign shown on Create button hover.
Update 31.0.0 - 14 December, 2023
Extended licenses holders ✨
Implemented SSO (Single Sign On) support where you can automatically switch between AltumCode software installations with a single click of a button.
Implemented Multicurrency support for payments.
Implemented the ability to set default payment processor on a per-currency basis.
Implemented the ability to set allowed currencies on a per-payment-gateway basis.
Implemented Midtrans payment gateway for one time payments.
Implemented Yizico payment gateway for one time payments.
Implemented Flutterwave payment gateway for one time & recurring payments.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable the password requirement when first logging in via a social network.
Implemented a subtle prompt to install the PWA app with instructions based on the device for the PWA plugin.
Implemented a new "Health check" page in the admin panel - settings section.
A better looking custom scrollbar is now applied on all widgets that are scrollable.
Improved the looks of the "Logged in as Team" bar at the top of the page for the Teams plugin.
Upgraded bootstrap CSS/JS to latest v4.6.2.
Push notification subscription modal will now only automatically show to the user if their browser is compatible for the Push Notifications plugin.
Stripe implementation has been reworked to support the latest available API version.
Improved performance of the Pixel widgets tracking module.
Fix pay page not having default values selected in some cases.
Fix ad blocker detector not working properly.
Fix live counter widget not working properly.
Fix some caching issues for the total notifications number.
Update 29.0.0 - 13 October, 2023
Implemented & Released the new PWA Plugin.
Implemented the ability to set icons for custom pages created in the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to change the tracking type and cookie tracking duration of the affiliate system.
Implemented Ad blocker detection alert system.
Implemented Ad blocker detection lock content until ad blocker is disabled.
Implemented Admin panel Webhooks for Domains creation & update events.
Implemented the ability to change the main font of the whole website directly from the admin panel.
Implemented Database tables size stats in the admin panel statistics page.
Implemented Search widget for the Blogging system.
Implemented Redeemed Codes Statistics page in the Admin panel.
Implemented User's plans distribution statistics table in the Admin panel.
Implemented Blog RSS feed.
Implemented Microsoft social login.
Implemented canonical tags for public pages where they will help with SEO.
Implemented the ability to change the OpenAI model for admin panel translation usage.
Implemented the ability to set a CDN via the Offload plugin.
Implemented the ability to set a Language flag and also set the order of the Languages via the admin panel.
Improved the Pay page by displaying an alert on the title when leaving the page.
Improved the UI on the admin panel statistics page.
Cleaned up the share buttons used in places like blog posts & custom pages and added Telegram share button.
Upgraded ReCaptcha, PHPMailer, TwoFactorAuth, Stripe project dependencies to their latest versions.
Other small code improvements, changes and tweaks across the whole product.
Fix API User endpoint not working properly.
Fix Paypal recurring payment rare issue when the business name is not provided.
Fix Admin panel Discount update not working properly in some cases.
Update 28.0.0 - 12 September, 2023
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the theme switcher from the footer.
- Implemented FAQ block on the homepage which can be enabled from the admin panel.
- Improved announcements look on the frontend.
- Improved look on plans page.
- Improved look on affiliate page.
- Improved look on the call to action widget on the home page.
- Improved look on plan payment thank you page.
- Improved look and how internal notifications widget works.
- Upgraded from FontAwesome 5 to FontAwesome 6.
- LinkedIn login transitioned to the new version required by LinkedIn.
- Added support for PHP 8.2.
- Added the new Threads social network in the footer - from the admin panel.
- Fixed broadcasts new editor variables not working properly.
- Other overall look and feel improvements.
Update 27.0.0 - 10 August, 2023
- Implemented the ability to change the referral key to a custom one.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable blog system sections: popular widget, views, categories widget, whole system.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable pages system sections: popular widget, views, whole system.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable testimonials section in the landing page via the admin panel.
- Implemented new blocks type editor for the Pages & Blog articles creation page.
- Implemented new blocks type editor for the Broadcasting system.
- Implemented Spintax compatibility with Internal notifications & Broadcasting system.
- Reworked the languages system to improve the way languages are updated on future versions and SEO regarding the language switching mechanism.
- Improved the blog article edit / create page look.
- Improved the page edit / create page look.
- Improved the broadcasted emails - now you can mark a newsletter as a system email (mandatory) which will now show the unsubscribe button.
- Improved the broadcasted emails - now the user phishing code will show in there as well.
- Improved the caching on some pages that results in further performance improvements.
- Improved the blog category and pages category parts when there are no posts to display.
- Improved the language translation system to show you potential translation errors when dealing with variables.
- Changed the referral key parameter from
. - Fixed internal notifications page not working properly.
Update 26.0.0 - 18 July, 2023
- Implemented new internal notifications system for users and admins.
- Implemented internal notifications broadcasts to users from the admin panel.
- Implemented the ability to track broadcasts links clicks, views and show them in a proper new broadcasts statistics page.
- Implemented the ability to duplicate broadcasts.
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the API system completely via the Admin panel.
- Implemented welcome emails to freshly registered users.
- Implemented the ability for the user to specify custom notes for invoices and improved the invoice look.
- Implemented the ability to force HTTPS requests.
- Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple failed login attempts.
- Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple failed password reset attempts.
- Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple failed resend activation attempts.
- Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple registration attempts.
- Implemented LinkedIn social login feature.
- Implemented the ability to only allow social logins registrations.
- Implemented the ability to allow and display newsletter sign up checkbox on the Registration page.
- Implemented new broadcasts filtering system by: subscription status, status, plans, source, continents, countries.
- Implemented caching for all the custom pages and pages categories for higher performance.
- Implemented caching for all the blog posts & blog categories for higher performance.
- Implemented caching for plan payment page for higher performance.
- Implemented caching for account stats in the dashboard for higher performance.
- Implemented intelligent performance optimization that will literally 100x and use less server resources for certain cached pages.
- Improved the admin panel dashboard - added online users counter.
- Improved all the chart looks, speed and animations.